Interactions of hydrogen with fusion reactor materials
Об издании
This book is devoted to better understanding of the interaction of fuels (D and T) with fusion reactor materials, in particular, evaluation of T retention and recovery of retained T in them as urgent tasks for establishment of a fusion reactor as an energy source. Contents are divided into two major parts. The first part gives an overview on interactions of hydrogen with materials. After brief introduction of all hydrogen isotopes (H, D and T), characteristics of hydrogen as the fuel for fusion reactors are summarized. Interactions of gaseous hydrogen with metals, carbon materials, and ceramics are summarized with particular consideration of the effect of impurity oxygen and water. The interactions with surface of energetic hydrogen are separately discussed. The second part summarizes the hydrogen interactions with materials specified as plasma facing materials (C and W), structure materials (SS and low activation steels), and Li ceramics as breeding materials for a fusion reactor. The final remarks are given to describe perspectives and recommendations for future works. This book is intended for students, postgraduates and researchers specializing in the field of controlled fusion and hydrogen energy, and will be useful for a wider range of readers interested in technologies related to the interaction of hydrogen with materials. This edition was supported by the Competitiveness Program of NRNU MEPhI in the framework of the Russian Academic Excellence project.
Библиографическая запись
Tanabe Tetsuo Interactions of hydrogen with fusion reactor materials / Tanabe Tetsuo. — Мoscow : National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», 2019. — 152 c. — ISBN 978-5-7262-2632-3. — Текст : электронный // Цифровой образовательный ресурс IPR SMART : [сайт]. — URL: (дата обращения: 26.11.2024). — Режим доступа: для авторизир. пользователей
Емельянычева Е.А., Абдуллин А.И.
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