Monday or Tuesday
Об издании
Adeline Virginia Woolf (1882–1941) was an English writer and literary critic, the leading figure of the modernist literature of the first half of the twentieth century. She also was part of a group of English intellectuals, writers, and artists, graduates of Cambridge, called the Bloomsbury group. «Monday or Tuesday» is a short story collection that includes many wonderful works like «A Haunted House», «A Society», «An Unwritten Novel», and «The String Quartet».
Библиографическая запись
Woolf, V. Monday or Tuesday / V. Woolf. — Москва : T8RUGRAM, 2018. — 100 c. — ISBN 978-5-521-07856-1. — Текст : электронный // Цифровой образовательный ресурс IPR SMART : [сайт]. — URL: (дата обращения: 13.03.2023). — Режим доступа: для авторизир. пользователей