Roxana: The Fortunate Mistress
Об издании
A vivid satire on a dissolute society, Roxana is a devastating evocation of the ways in which vanity and ambition can corrupt the human soul. Beautiful and proud Roxana is terrified of being poor. When her husband leaves her penniless with five children, she must choose between being a virtuous beggar or a rich whore. Embarking on a career as a courtesan and kept woman, the glamour of her new existence soon becomes too enticing and Roxana passes from man to man in order to maintain her lavish society parties, luxurious clothes and amassed wealth. But this life comes at a cost, and she is fatally torn between the sinful prosperity she has become used to and the respectability she craves.
Библиографическая запись
Defoe D. Roxana: The Fortunate Mistress / Defoe D.. — Москва : T8RUGRAM, 2018. — 504 c. — ISBN 978-5-521-06814-2. — Текст : электронный // Цифровой образовательный ресурс IPR SMART : [сайт]. — URL: (дата обращения: 27.12.2024). — Режим доступа: для авторизир. пользователей
Кривошеев М.В.
(Международный банковский институт имени Анатолия Собчака)
Городецкая С.В., Аверкин Ю.А., Аверкина К.А.
(Профобразование, Ай Пи Ар Медиа)
Кухаренко Т.А.
Хоружий Л.И., Турчаева И.Н., Кокорев Н.А.
(Научный консультант)