The Two Destinies
Об издании
In this novel William Wilkie Collins explores the powers of telepathy while telling a skilful tale that interweaves suspense with the familiar ingredients of Victorian melodrama. Mary Dermody is destined to be together with George Germaine one day, or so at least her grandmother prophesizes. Destiny at first doesn’t seem to adhere to this plan, and the pair is separated and lose sight of each other. But when George saves a young woman from drowning, a strong connection seems to develop between them, which seems to be almost supernatural.
Библиографическая запись
Collins W. The Two Destinies / Collins W.. — Москва : T8RUGRAM, 2018. — 333 c. — ISBN 978-5-521-06459-5. — Текст : электронный // Цифровой образовательный ресурс IPR SMART : [сайт]. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.12.2024). — Режим доступа: для авторизир. пользователей
Дуктов А.П., Садомов Н.А., Бахарев А.А., Ковалева О.В., Сибен А.Н.
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